Monday, January 24, 2011

Longest Uhf Range Antenna

The Power of Now

The next evening Meditation with Marina, Monday, January 31, will be inspired by the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
"The authentic human power is surrendering all'Adesso. Leaving aside the mind and the false self that this has created, we find that the body is one of the keys to enter a state of inner peace, as are the silence and space around us. At the present time we are able to embrace our true self. " Eckhart Tolle

info 335 5202888 Marina

Friday, January 14, 2011

Is It Legal To Sell Reproductions


start again Monday dedicated to the Oneness Blessing. Each
penultimate Monday of the month meditation on Monday will be led by Monica Bertini, Deeksha giver.
finished, or if you want, you can receive the Oneness Blessing. The next evening
Monday, January 24 to 21

for info 347 9966690 Monica

Tv Is Black And White After Hooking Dvd

Deeksha Meditation and Tarot

During the usual evening of meditation with Marina Monday, January 17 we will use the 22 cards of Major Arcana to make a journey of knowledge within ourselves. After

may ask those who want individual reading.

for info 335 5202888 Marina

Vintage Walking Canes

Capodanno a Rotterdam

Photo album of the wonderful experience with 30,000 young Europeans. The parish

(porotestante) of the "Good Shepherd" who hosted us

no meals were eaten just a 5-star restaurant ...

with these lines at the bathroom thank you for being a man ...

sign appeared regularly on the metro ...

we Italians always do recognize ...

... and even the meal itself was 5 stars ...


his highly successful marriage is not sacred & profane ...

worse the food or the news from Italy?

the inside of a Protestant church with the pastor standing in his shirt

the Catholic-Protestant structure that helps the homeless in Rotterdam

breakfast olandese nella famiglia che mi ospitava con formaggio e prosciutto

coro originale con fisarmonica

brainstorming italo-tedesco-polacco

alla faccia della lega e per la libertà di culto

I could not skip it, even though the museum was closed ...

souvenir photo in front of the building where the meetings were held

New Year 2011

final celebration in the parish

photo with the pastor's daughter (which I'm embracing ...) and the typical product Casale: no asbestos ...

the family van der Graaff, my host (thanks again Peter & Marja)

my portrait by Marja (although I'm not so angry ...)

Drinking And Ovulation

suspended for hours during the Qi Gong


sudden commitments to the family of Horace Corso of Qi Gong is temporarily suspended on Tuesday , you will be advised of the resumption when Horace is available again!

E' altresì rimandato a un'altra data il seminario di sabato 22 gennaio "Niente è come sembra" Guarigione spirituale . A breve notizie in merito sul blog!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pokemon Silver Cheats List

il re magio Marchionne

Happy New Year, dear friends!
Back from a long period of neglect with a gem that I raised a lot of morale.
In second grade, speaking of holidays past and in particular of the Epiphany, I had the unfortunate idea to ask:
"Remember how they were called the Magi?".
Secured response of one of them:
"Gaspar, Balthazar
e. .. (drum roll ...)
(Melchiorre and I thought ...) What
say there is still hope?
We only hope that does not lead to coal workers ...
Pacem et bonum