dear friends and dear friends,
back from oblivion for the nth case of censorship ...
reading from the Sesia "
" SanthiĆ , the pastor calls "the patrols Po '
October 26 2010 Gypsies
against disturbing the parishioners
The parish priest Father Gian Paolo Turati provocatively calls and the patrols they say tried to Po close the doors of the church as "gypsies annoy people
(full article at http:// www.lasesia.vercelli.it/news/santhia-il-parroco-invoca-% C2% Able-ronde-Po% C2% BB ).
then decided to write an open letter, but was not published ...
for you to preview: Giampaolo
Dear Don, I read
his outburst on "Sesia" of Friday, October 22 and there I remained very ill.
Let me explain. When I read that says: "The Roma disturbing and can no longer be calm even in church." I was reminded of the parable of the rich man now, remember?
that of the poor at the gates of the rich ... Personally, every time I go out and find some of the churches in need (real or perceived does not matter ..) I always feel called into question ...
I try to ask them where they are, if they have a family ... However, it is always too little what I do ...
If I remember correctly Jesus told us that the poor are always with us, so why bother hunting them is right? I have my serious doubts ...
And if Jesus was hiding among them?
His final challenge to seek the intervention of the patrols Po, then, I think its a curse! Excuse me, but would like manforte by people making xenophobic and anti-Christian ideas of his gospel? No thanks.
Definitely on the Roma issue is not easy to resolve, but It would not be too beautiful of Organize the idea of \u200b\u200b"travel" with the only way ticket to their country of origin, as did the French government?
I am sure that the generous parishioners of SanthiĆ will be glad to give you a helping hand to our brothers in need.
A Christian who seeks to be consistent with what he professes
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