the wake of the great English writer, beginning this week a list of books bought, borrowed and read by myself.
books borrowed:
"The belly of the Italians, Mr Berlusconi explained to posterity" beppe sevrgnini, € 16.
borrowed SanthiĆ the public library. With the top 10 reasons for
dominated Italy for 16 years:
1) Human Factors
2) Factor divine
3) Robinson
factor 4) factor Truman
5) Hoover
Factor 6) factor Zelig
7) harem
Factor 8) medical factors
9) TINA factor
10) Factor Palio
I got to factor 5, p.. 78
his blog: http://

book includes:
"Organizing the courage "Pino and Marisa Masciari, € 15, bought the theater to the testimony of Pino parish of Saluda. With his autograph (for now read up to page. 72).
Narra la storia di un imprenditore che si ribella all'andrangheta e per questo deve vivere sotto scorta da 13 anni.
Toccante, ma soprattutto infonde fiducia e speranza che le cose possano veramente cambiare, se lo si vuole.
bello anche il blog dei suoi amici.
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