Le notizie del Corriere.it
Ecco le notizie del Corriete.it.
1. Terremoto e tsunami, colpito il Giappone Nuove scosse a Joetsu e nel nord-ovest
2. Terremoto in Giappone: video, audio e foto
3. L'asse terrestre si è spostato di 10 cm e i giorni sono diventati più corti
4. Torna Montalbano (con Belén): parapiglia e attimi di paura in Rai
5. Paura nucleare, 170 mila evacuati E ora si teme una nuova esplosione
Gli italiani si sono concentrati nel comprendere cosa è accaduto in Giappone e quali rischi esistono per il mondo intero. La cosa che sorprende è il fatto che una notizia di Belen abbia destato tanto interesse dopo un disastro come quello avvenuto.
Forza Giappone.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Is Dermablend Foundation Any Good For Men
Acer ICONIA e il notebook diventa touch
La touch revolution iniziata da Apple con l'iPhone e continuata da tutte le aziende di settore con prodotti sempre più social e touch ha investito anche il mercato dei portatili. Acer presenta ICONIA in grado di offrire un portatile con tastiera touch e doppio schermo.
Acer ICONIA è un prodotto designed and built for the use of Internet and web through unrepeatable experience and the expectations of consumers today. Allows you to view pages in an integral way thanks to the two screens, the unthinkable has normal functions portable keyboard appears only when there is really need .
La touch revolution iniziata da Apple con l'iPhone e continuata da tutte le aziende di settore con prodotti sempre più social e touch ha investito anche il mercato dei portatili. Acer presenta ICONIA in grado di offrire un portatile con tastiera touch e doppio schermo.
Acer ICONIA è un prodotto designed and built for the use of Internet and web through unrepeatable experience and the expectations of consumers today. Allows you to view pages in an integral way thanks to the two screens, the unthinkable has normal functions portable keyboard appears only when there is really need .
What Stores Can I Find Baby All Laundry Detergent
News photos of the dinner
Nothing ever stays the same for a long time ...
Zen meditation from April Horace with will no longer be on Monday evening, but will be included in monthly seminars on Sunday morning. The first of these will be:

"Spiritual Healing: Trip to the Land of Miracles"
Sunday, April 17 from 10 to 13
at The Source
50 € entry including extended storage and the cd
(40 € for those who have it already)
Orazio info 348 8100638
* * * * *
Una novità anche per la serata Diksha condotta da Monica:

lunedi 21 marzo serata speciale
"Intersezioni, energie che si incrociano"
Diksha e Reiki
con Monica e Ma Sammoda
info Monica 347 9966690
Friday, March 11, 2011
Pirate's Of The Caribbean Pinball Power Adapter
Internet è dominato e comandato, ma non dagli Stati
Apple, Google and Facebook they would have to control and dominate the Internet and the Web "deciding" standards and metrics to define quality of a product without using rules or the intervention of agencies authorized to regulate.
Secondo Advertising Age, Nat Ives , infatti, questi tre soggetti sarebbero in grado di definire cosa sulla rete può essere considerato di qualità o meno e che tipo di siti web possono avere successo.
Apple , con l'iPad e le App controlla la diffusione di contenuti tra Internet e web. Google ha lo straordinario potere di essere il motore di ricerca più usato al mondo e può decidere i criteri di ricerca , infatti ha deciso di favorire determinati siti ritenuti di elevata qualità e più facili da analizzare dai robots del motore. While Facebook being the most used social network in the world has the power to control the online gaming market, just think Zynga, and can monopolize accounting web sites, just think about how Yahoo has Integrated with Google and Facebook.
The future of the network seems to be increasingly affected by these three giants of network that can help manage and control standards, though not formalized, the web and the Internet, always user interface level.
Apple, Google and Facebook they would have to control and dominate the Internet and the Web "deciding" standards and metrics to define quality of a product without using rules or the intervention of agencies authorized to regulate.
Secondo Advertising Age, Nat Ives , infatti, questi tre soggetti sarebbero in grado di definire cosa sulla rete può essere considerato di qualità o meno e che tipo di siti web possono avere successo.
Apple , con l'iPad e le App controlla la diffusione di contenuti tra Internet e web. Google ha lo straordinario potere di essere il motore di ricerca più usato al mondo e può decidere i criteri di ricerca , infatti ha deciso di favorire determinati siti ritenuti di elevata qualità e più facili da analizzare dai robots del motore. While Facebook being the most used social network in the world has the power to control the online gaming market, just think Zynga, and can monopolize accounting web sites, just think about how Yahoo has Integrated with Google and Facebook.
The future of the network seems to be increasingly affected by these three giants of network that can help manage and control standards, though not formalized, the web and the Internet, always user interface level.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Etiquette Addressing Congrat New Baby
Previews Coming Publishing North
Here at Tiffany's and never miss the latest news so here's to you two new releases of the Publisher North ...
Parigi, febbraio 1894. È l’inverno più freddo del secolo e la città è Sepolta sotto una spessa coltre di neve. Anche nella libreria Elzévir, al numero 18 di rue des Saint-Pères, l'atmosfera è a dir poco glaciale. Ma non per colpa del clima. È l’arrivo di Mau rice Laumier, pittore, incallito donnaiolo ed ex rivale in amore di Victor Legris, a gelare gli animi. Questa volta, però, Maurice non è venuto to pick a fight, but to seek help: a few weeks ago, a dear friend has vanished and he now fears the worst. Victor can not wait to throw himself headlong into a new adventure, and when the woman's body is found near the slaughterhouse of La Villette, immediately rushed to the scene of the crime. And it is through the alleys of the neighborhood malfa format, including petty thieves and swindlers, that the bookseller detective-stumbles in the one witness of the murder. Unfortunately, the man refuses to talk, merely to give him a strange medallion engraved with a black unicorn. Following the trail of the mysterious jewel, Victor leaves the slums of Paris to immergersi nei riti di una misteriosa società occulta, un ambiente tanto raffinato quanto pericoloso, dove gli iniziati sono disposti a tutto pur di custodire i loro segreti: perfino a uccidere…
Claude Izner è il nom de plume delle sorelle Liliane Korb e Laurence Lefèvre. Liliane è nata a Parigi nel 1940 e, dopo aver lavorato come montatrice cinematografica, è stata a lungo bouquiniste sulla rive droite della Senna. Laurence è nata nel 1951 e, dopo la laurea in archeologia, ha pubblicato due romanzi. Anche lei è libraia. Parallelamente al loro lavoro, da diversi anni le due sorelle scrivono romanzi a quattro mani, ed è stata la loro passione per la Storia e per i romanzi gialli to push them to create the character of Victor Legris, bookseller and investigator in the Paris of the nineteenth century. At the North are already out of five investigations Victor: The mystery of the Rue des Saints-Peres (2006), Woman of the Père-Lachaise (2007), The Crime of rue Montmartre (2008), The murderess of the Marais (2009) The binder and the Batignolles (2010), proving a great success with critics and audiences.
Original Title: The Dangerous Days of Daniel X
Category: Fiction
Pages: 250
Price: € 14.90
In the library: March 16, 2011
Daniel has only three years and can not know that her parents are the Keepers of the list, the list of most dangerous alien criminals hiding on Earth. But you know the mantis, and an evil being that ruthless, to seize on that list, is willing to do anything, even kill. And to do so under the eyes of Daniel, that so helplessly the death of his father and mother and saved only thanks to his extraordinary powers. Twelve years have passed since that terrible day, but Daniel has not forgotten. He decided to use his powers - the ability to create objects with the power of thought and move at the speed of light and have exceptional strength - for revenge, removing all illegal aliens included in the list. Now there are only six names - the six most lethal killer - and on top of him there, the Number One: the Mantis.
Daniel is the only one who can find it. It is the only one who can defeat him.
Daniel is the only one who can save the world from catastrofe.
Ma Daniel è soltanto un ragazzo…
James Patterson è uno dei più grandi fenomeni editoriali dei giorni nostri. È il creatore di personaggi famosissimi come il profiler Alex Cross, le “donne del club omicidi” e i ragazzi della serie di Maximum Ride (pubblicata da Nord). È l’autore più venduto al mondo, con 160 million copies (more than 2 million in Italy): the United States, every 15 books sold, one is by James Patterson, for a total of 16 million copies a year.
We have intrigued enough?
Here at Tiffany's and never miss the latest news so here's to you two new releases of the Publisher North ...
Paris, 1894
strangled a woman and a mysterious medallion
A secret hidden in the pages of a book
in bookstores by Wednesday, March 16
The talisman of Villette
Claude Izner
Claude Izner
Title Originale: Le Talisman de la Villette
Categoria: Narrativa
Pagine: 352
Prezzo: € 17,60
In libreria: 16 marzo 2011
Pagine: 352
Prezzo: € 17,60
In libreria: 16 marzo 2011
Parigi, febbraio 1894. È l’inverno più freddo del secolo e la città è Sepolta sotto una spessa coltre di neve. Anche nella libreria Elzévir, al numero 18 di rue des Saint-Pères, l'atmosfera è a dir poco glaciale. Ma non per colpa del clima. È l’arrivo di Mau rice Laumier, pittore, incallito donnaiolo ed ex rivale in amore di Victor Legris, a gelare gli animi. Questa volta, però, Maurice non è venuto to pick a fight, but to seek help: a few weeks ago, a dear friend has vanished and he now fears the worst. Victor can not wait to throw himself headlong into a new adventure, and when the woman's body is found near the slaughterhouse of La Villette, immediately rushed to the scene of the crime. And it is through the alleys of the neighborhood malfa format, including petty thieves and swindlers, that the bookseller detective-stumbles in the one witness of the murder. Unfortunately, the man refuses to talk, merely to give him a strange medallion engraved with a black unicorn. Following the trail of the mysterious jewel, Victor leaves the slums of Paris to immergersi nei riti di una misteriosa società occulta, un ambiente tanto raffinato quanto pericoloso, dove gli iniziati sono disposti a tutto pur di custodire i loro segreti: perfino a uccidere…
Claude Izner è il nom de plume delle sorelle Liliane Korb e Laurence Lefèvre. Liliane è nata a Parigi nel 1940 e, dopo aver lavorato come montatrice cinematografica, è stata a lungo bouquiniste sulla rive droite della Senna. Laurence è nata nel 1951 e, dopo la laurea in archeologia, ha pubblicato due romanzi. Anche lei è libraia. Parallelamente al loro lavoro, da diversi anni le due sorelle scrivono romanzi a quattro mani, ed è stata la loro passione per la Storia e per i romanzi gialli to push them to create the character of Victor Legris, bookseller and investigator in the Paris of the nineteenth century. At the North are already out of five investigations Victor: The mystery of the Rue des Saints-Peres (2006), Woman of the Père-Lachaise (2007), The Crime of rue Montmartre (2008), The murderess of the Marais (2009) The binder and the Batignolles (2010), proving a great success with critics and audiences.
JAMES PATTERSON phenomenon from the new young adult series that has already won the young American readers ...
Original Title: The Dangerous Days of Daniel X
Category: Fiction
Pages: 250
Price: € 14.90
In the library: March 16, 2011
Daniel has only three years and can not know that her parents are the Keepers of the list, the list of most dangerous alien criminals hiding on Earth. But you know the mantis, and an evil being that ruthless, to seize on that list, is willing to do anything, even kill. And to do so under the eyes of Daniel, that so helplessly the death of his father and mother and saved only thanks to his extraordinary powers. Twelve years have passed since that terrible day, but Daniel has not forgotten. He decided to use his powers - the ability to create objects with the power of thought and move at the speed of light and have exceptional strength - for revenge, removing all illegal aliens included in the list. Now there are only six names - the six most lethal killer - and on top of him there, the Number One: the Mantis.
Daniel is the only one who can find it. It is the only one who can defeat him.
Daniel is the only one who can save the world from catastrofe.
Ma Daniel è soltanto un ragazzo…
I DIRITTI CINEMATOGRAFICI di Daniel X – Missione: Vendetta sono stati venduti ancora prima che il libro fosse pubblicato; il film è attualmente in lavorazione.
Dalla serie è stato tratto UN VIDEOGIOCO di grande successo...
James Patterson è uno dei più grandi fenomeni editoriali dei giorni nostri. È il creatore di personaggi famosissimi come il profiler Alex Cross, le “donne del club omicidi” e i ragazzi della serie di Maximum Ride (pubblicata da Nord). È l’autore più venduto al mondo, con 160 million copies (more than 2 million in Italy): the United States, every 15 books sold, one is by James Patterson, for a total of 16 million copies a year.
We have intrigued enough?
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Leo Burnett ti spiega perché fai ciò che fai
global advertising agency Leo Burnett has recently made a tool that allows you to better understand why some consumers buy certain products rather than others. That is, what kind of behavior they have in relation to a number of levers. The instrument comes from a study that was based on nearly 10,000 interviews.
global advertising agency Leo Burnett has recently made a tool that allows you to better understand why some consumers buy certain products rather than others. That is, what kind of behavior they have in relation to a number of levers. The instrument comes from a study that was based on nearly 10,000 interviews.
The behavior of a person than one type of product will depend from a cross between a behavior that can see themselves at the center (ME ) or the reference group (YOU) and a behavior typically addressed to change (CHANGE) or conservative (Preservation).
These axes allow to identify, through quantitative indicators, where one type of consumer is placed. Depending on the segment in which it falls you can identify the types of behavior and ways of being bound together . The rings are the way that appears to be gradually in a superficial way, or if a person, for example, tends to copy the style of dress is likely to be restrained in his behavior and will tend to conform in the way of thinking.
Leo Burnett has created a very interesting tool that consumers tend to frame the thousands of personality today's global market , trying to select multiple ways of being and concatenate them into four levers that seem to be well adapted to represent the modern consumer.
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Incredible spring has not arrived yet and already begin previews. How will it end this time!?
secrets buried for centuries, murderers fierce, passionate love and the greatest plot ever hatched against the great Queen Elizabeth ...
Pillars of Camelot
Phil Rickman
Outgoing March 24 will be reviewed exclusively for you from Holly !
€ 14.90
Publisher: Newton Compton
Pages: 432, bound
Language: Italian
Categories: Foreign Fiction, Thriller
London, 1560. Elizabeth Tudor is on the throne for a year.
John Dee is a young mathematician and astrologer of the court and is also the queen's most trusted adviser. But many argue that practices the occult arts and plotting to dethrone and away from her. Elizabeth, frightened by the atmosphere of intrigue and suspicion that undermine the stability of his kingdom, and terrified by some strange prophecies, he decides that there is only one way to consolidate his power: to reaffirm the noble descendants of the Tudors, that is, finding the remains of King Arthur that the legend wants buried in the Abbey of Glastonbury, the mythical Avalon. So Instructs John Dee to go there and start searching. But when he arrived in the bleak country town, the man discovers that the abbot was murdered and that a terrible secret is hidden within the walls of the ancient abbey ...
Long misunderstood, condemned as a witch, John Dee is a England's forgotten hero Elizabethan England. A man too big for his age.
Sorcery, court intrigue and ancient legends. All the charm of Elizabethan England in a thriller!
"A compelling story, a vicious murder, necromancy, witchcraft ... All this and more in one great book."
The Guardian "An extraordinary journey into the sixteenth century."
- Spectator
"Rickman is a brilliant writer, creator of atmosphere unbeatable."
- The Times
"Not enough to celebrate our writers, it's time to celebrate Phil Rickman. "
- Daily Mail
Are you ready to immerse yourself in this fantastic book? Who knows what's in store for Holly ... a review and perhaps a giveaway!
Moving on ...
LAIN For the series of Fazi Editore in the long-awaited arrival of the first chapter of the trilogy Alterra signed by Maxime Chattam, considered the prodigy of the French thriller ...
The alliance of the three
of Maxime Chattam
Outgoing March 25
€ 18.50
Publisher: Fazi
Pages: 350, bound
Language: Italian
Genres: Fantasy, horror and gothic fiction
'Chattam creates a magical world in between The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Stephen King. "
- Metro
Nobody had noticed his arrival, and suddenly it is all over the city: a frightening, cold storm. When fourteen year old Matt sees the lie, would notify the parents understand what happens if there is a real danger. But it is already too late, is struck by lightning and loses consciousness.
When she wakes up, alone. The mother and father have disappeared, evaporated neighbors, empty roads · What happened?
Together with his friend Tobias, Matt is desperate to find someone still alive in this New York mute and cold that seems to give hope. Yet the two are not alone: \u200b\u200bstrange presences eyes will follow the movements of ice, strange mutant creatures spy them. The two guys you just have to escape the city.
awaits a wilderness, where nature has taken over completely. Can find shelter on an island in the west, with a community of children, "Pan". Their refuge is far from certain, however: why Alterra, the only adult survivors have become hunters of children ·
Maxime Chattam , considered the prodigy of the French thriller, only thirty years has many titles of success. Alterra with the trilogy, has quickly established itself in the field of fiction for children, obtaining the consent of the public and critics. In France the first two titles were placed at the top of the charts, and the third is currently in the bestseller list.
"The imaginative genius of Maxime Chattam work again."
- Le point
grew up reading fantasy books and thrillers, an avid reader of Tolkien and Golding, Maxime Chattam creates alliance with three of a saga, that of "Alterra", set in a world where the only survivors with the characteristic "human" are children. A reflection on the loss of innocence that has sold over 200,000 copies in France.
On March 30, the author will be in Italy at the International Book Fair Bologna Children, hosted by the FantasyCamp organized by the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in collaboration with the Fair and will involve leading writers and opinion leaders in the fantasy world.
along ... Expect a lot of surprises!
Go ahead, Piemme has reserved a special title for Women's Day ...
The girls understand everything. It is their special way of being in the world. They know it all love, know how to console those who need it, have a strong emotional intelligence and emotional, they also know which colors go well together, but not flirting, just an innate sense of taste ...
I am feeling
The Secret Life of girls
Eve Ensler
In Library 8 March
€ 15.00
Episode: I Am An Emotional Creature Publisher: Piemme
Pages: 168, paperback with jacket
Language: Italian
Genres: Fiction and Literature, Novels contemporary foreign
How can we forget The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. The cult author, legendary playwright, poet, director, veteran champion of women's rights and founder of V-day violence against women, with this exceptional eco managed to take home the prestigious Obie Award in 1997. Translated in 35 different languages, The Vagina Monologues, which have become emblematic theater piece, have shared the stage around the world in the interpretation of extraordinary artists: Susan Sarandon in the U.S. at our local Lella Costa .
Eve Ensler I am now back with emotion. The Secret Life of Girls (original edition Villard / Random House in February 2010). A book intense, intelligent, full of passion, a true hymn to femininity outside the stereotypes and constraints of social, cultural and religious differences. Why do girls "stop treating their bodies as objects to please others."
An anorexic girl in a blog that tells of his hardships. African forced genital mutilation. A 15 year old Bulgarian enslaved by sex traffickers. A Chinese who works twelve hours a day at the factory to produce Barbie. In a successful collection of monologues, the voices of girls from various parts of the world express their fears, hopes, tell their experiences, complain about his own loneliness, lack of attention, the abuses of which are objective facts, but above all ask to express themselves freely, to be women, to be able to feel and express emotions and feelings, claiming their nature emotional creatures.
Consistent with her being a woman of action, in the U.S., Ensler has joined forces with MTV: together they are leading a campaign to cries of "You have the right to be an emotional creatures" - You have the right to be a creature that has feelings, aims to make young women more aware of their sex lives.
Eve Ensler is a writer, playwright, poet, screenwriter and director. It has to a long militancy as an activist for women's rights. He lives in New York, where he teaches playwriting at the University. His most important work, The Vagina Monologues (in 1997 awarded the prestigious Obie Award), has been translated into 35 languages \u200b\u200band brought to the stage with great success all over the world on Broadway (with stars like Susan Sarandon, Glenn Close, Melanie Griffith and Winona Ryder), London (with Kate Winslet and Cate Blanchett), in Italy (by Lella Costa, Vasini Lucia, Lucrezia Lante della Rovere, Athina Cenci). Since this piece was born on V-Day, violence against women.
But I'm not done ... there is still an emotional outlet for you: an essay signed Garzanti.
Fatima Bhutto, author of Songs of blood, will be in Italy for the promotion of the book on 14, 15 and March 16!
Songs of blood
Memories of a daughter
Fatima Bhutto
In Library from February 24
€ 19.80
Publisher: Garzanti
Pages: 540, bound
Language: Italian
Genres: Essays, War Crimes
"An important book. The Borgia Bhutto are Asian. It is also the story of a daughter for her father murdered. The power is not limited to bribe - kills. "
- Bob Geldof
" A clear and elegant prose ... skillfully captures the hope and injustice, the drama and pain. "
- The Guardian
" His passion, his integrity, inspire each page. "
- Charles Glass
" If anyone could write this story, well, she is '.
- William Dalrymple
What do you think of these titles? I, frankly, I did not expect a spring so beautiful ...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How Long Does A Stick Of Deodorant Last
Special: The Bride and the Revenge Giveaway + Special
Jacqueline Carey
Price: € 18.60
Format: Paperback
Pages: 442
Language: Italian
Episode : Kushiel's Justice
Original language: English
Publisher: Editrice Nord
Publisher : 2011
Translator: G. Zuddas
Gene re: fantasy, young adult
In the previous chapters:
The throne and the offspring
Kidnapped q uand'era only a child, sold into slavery and forced to endure terrible tortures, Prince Imriel de la Courcel was rescued and adopted by Phedre, un'abilissima not only a spy, but also un'anguissette, ie a person able to mix pain and pleasure nature and not by compulsion. Back in court, however, can not be said to secure Imriel: well that it is the third in line of succession to the throne of Terre d'Ange, many people want to die. Fear that the young have inherited the same thirst for power of the mother, the infamous Melisande Shahrizai, disappeared without a trace after trying p er twice to usurp the throne. Imriel but knows he is not having to defend itself only by the intrigues of the palace, but also from himself. Now a teenager, I grew increasingly dark desires in him, while his body responds to the gift of Phedre dangerously ... Confused and scared, the young man decides to leave in search of the only person who can help shed light on his soul, and perhaps even to find his mother's master Anafiel Delaunay, Phedre is the man who had made a perfect spy. But soon, Imriel finds himself coming to terms with a world in which nothing is what it seems, in which deception can be hidden in the most innocent words, and discovers that despite his former mentor's research is that ' beginning ...
Blood and traitor
To escape the intrigues of the turbulent and treacherous court of Terre D'Ange, a young Imriel La Courcel, third in line of succession to the throne, it was established under a false name to Tiberium. But the shadows of the past hannoseguito: his lover, the beautiful Claudia Fulvia, after discovering his secret, it has involved in shady deals Guild Invisible, a secret sect branched throughout the kingdom. And now the city wants to kill somebody, as evidenced by the attack when the boy is survived by a miracle. So, tired of hiding their identity and to defend against enemy faceless Imriel understands that the only solution is to get out of Tiberium and deal with his duties as a prince, accepting an arranged marriage with mab Dorelei Breidaia, sister of the heir to the throne Alba. And the opportunity to leave is when the friend Lucius tells him he will get married and asked him to accompany him to Lucca, where the wedding will take place. However, upon their arrival, the two young people are faced with a disconcerting scene: the bell tower is on fire, the walls are surrounded by an army of mercenaries and the promised bride of Lucius was kidnapped ...
The Prince and the sin
Before uggito sf is a ruthless killer to a Tiberium, then miraculously survived the siege of the city of Lucca, but Imriel La Courcel, third in line of succession to the throne of Terre D'Ange, now not can escape the arranged marriage with mab Dorelei Breidaia, Princess of Alba. Waiting for the day of the ceremony, the young man was summoned to court, where he met his cousin Sidonie, the legitimate heir of the kingdom angeline. And suddenly, it happens what should not happen: the two are swept away by a burning desire and, in spite of the risks they expose themselves, they indulge in an intense secret passion. But for a noble, true love is a dream for a break. The marriage, Imriel is forced to separate from Sidon to move with his wife Alba, a remote island and
primitive, inhabited by a people jealous of the ancient traditions and dedicated to dark magic. Fin now, the newcomer feel an atmosphere hostile, and his fears are confirmed when a witch tries to subdue to his will through a powerful spell. Determined not to bend, Imriel discovers, however, to get rid of this oppressive yoke will be required to pay a high price: Sidonie to give up on love ...
The bride and the revenge is the second part of The Prince and the sin which is the fourth part of the cycle fantasy focuses on Imriel, the second series Kushiel's Legacy Series which also includes the cycle of Phedre and the of Moirin, Naamah The Trilogy. Here is a summary diagram
Kushiel trilogy
1.Il dart and the Rose (Kushiel's Dart, 2001)
2.La and chosen heir (Kushiel's Chosen, 2002)
3.La mask and darkness (Kushiel's Avatar, 2003)
trilogy Imriel
1.Il throne and lineage - The blood and the traitor (Kushiel's Scion, 2006)
2.Il Prince and sin - The bride and the revenge (Kushiel's Justice, 2007 )
3.Kushiel 's Mercy (2008)
trilogy Moirin
1. Naamah's Kiss (2009)
2. Naamah's Curse (2010)
3. Naamah's Blessing (2011)
From the earliest moments on the island of Alba, Prince de la Courcel Imriel has struggled to gain respect from both the local population by the nobles of the court. The marriage Dorelei mab Breidaia broke the heart of the young prince who had to give way to his true love, Sidonie. The life of Imri lights of joy and hope when his wife tells him she is pregnant. But Berlik, the mysterious people of Maghuin Dhonn, hit the prince in his happiest moment. Blinded by hatred Imriel start the search for justice and revenge through the sea, the Flatlands (Benelux) and Skald (Germany), up to the endless Vralia (European Russia). During Imriel this trip will be put to the test both physically and in his deep where they hide feelings such as hatred, love and revenge. This trip will take him through rough and dangerous places and above all the will in front of itself and its dark sides. Let us prepare then to a book, intense and full of surprises.
Are you a fan of Carey and the series? Do you want this beautiful book? Joining is simple: become a follower of the blog and leave a comment to this post reminding you to write your email to be contacted in case of victory! We have a copy as a prize for you ...
Jacqueline Carey was born in 1964. After graduating in Psychology and English Literature at the Lake Forest College, has traveled extensively, and subsequently decided to become a writer, publishing numerous short stories, several works of nonfiction, and finally the trilogy of novels focusing on Phedre The dart and rose (North, 2005), Chosen inherit (North, 2006) and The Mask and the darkness (North, 2007), which aroused the enthusiasm of American audiences and critics, both to stay in the rankings of the New York Times for more than a month. After The throne and the offspring (North, 2009), and the traitor's blood (North, 2010) and Prince and sin (North, 2010), The bride and sold it to pursue new saga set in the magical kingdom of Terre D'Ange.
Jacqueline Carey
Price: € 18.60
Format: Paperback
Pages: 442
Language: Italian
Episode : Kushiel's Justice
Original language: English
Publisher: Editrice Nord
Publisher : 2011
Translator: G. Zuddas
Gene re: fantasy, young adult
After the wedding with mab Dorelei Breidaia, Imriel La Courcel is forced to be separated from Sidonie, Angeline legitimate heir to the throne, which has fallen in love and with whom he started an affair. He moved to Alba, the home of the new wife, whom few months after you become pregnant. The news of the pregnancy can lead a bit ' of serenity in the heart of Imriel, who feels deeply the lack of the woman he loves. Yet just when it seems that things are slowly turning for the better ...
In the previous chapters:
The throne and the offspring
Kidnapped q uand'era only a child, sold into slavery and forced to endure terrible tortures, Prince Imriel de la Courcel was rescued and adopted by Phedre, un'abilissima not only a spy, but also un'anguissette, ie a person able to mix pain and pleasure nature and not by compulsion. Back in court, however, can not be said to secure Imriel: well that it is the third in line of succession to the throne of Terre d'Ange, many people want to die. Fear that the young have inherited the same thirst for power of the mother, the infamous Melisande Shahrizai, disappeared without a trace after trying p er twice to usurp the throne. Imriel but knows he is not having to defend itself only by the intrigues of the palace, but also from himself. Now a teenager, I grew increasingly dark desires in him, while his body responds to the gift of Phedre dangerously ... Confused and scared, the young man decides to leave in search of the only person who can help shed light on his soul, and perhaps even to find his mother's master Anafiel Delaunay, Phedre is the man who had made a perfect spy. But soon, Imriel finds himself coming to terms with a world in which nothing is what it seems, in which deception can be hidden in the most innocent words, and discovers that despite his former mentor's research is that ' beginning ...
Blood and traitor
To escape the intrigues of the turbulent and treacherous court of Terre D'Ange, a young Imriel La Courcel, third in line of succession to the throne, it was established under a false name to Tiberium. But the shadows of the past hannoseguito: his lover, the beautiful Claudia Fulvia, after discovering his secret, it has involved in shady deals Guild Invisible, a secret sect branched throughout the kingdom. And now the city wants to kill somebody, as evidenced by the attack when the boy is survived by a miracle. So, tired of hiding their identity and to defend against enemy faceless Imriel understands that the only solution is to get out of Tiberium and deal with his duties as a prince, accepting an arranged marriage with mab Dorelei Breidaia, sister of the heir to the throne Alba. And the opportunity to leave is when the friend Lucius tells him he will get married and asked him to accompany him to Lucca, where the wedding will take place. However, upon their arrival, the two young people are faced with a disconcerting scene: the bell tower is on fire, the walls are surrounded by an army of mercenaries and the promised bride of Lucius was kidnapped ...
The Prince and the sin
Before uggito sf is a ruthless killer to a Tiberium, then miraculously survived the siege of the city of Lucca, but Imriel La Courcel, third in line of succession to the throne of Terre D'Ange, now not can escape the arranged marriage with mab Dorelei Breidaia, Princess of Alba. Waiting for the day of the ceremony, the young man was summoned to court, where he met his cousin Sidonie, the legitimate heir of the kingdom angeline. And suddenly, it happens what should not happen: the two are swept away by a burning desire and, in spite of the risks they expose themselves, they indulge in an intense secret passion. But for a noble, true love is a dream for a break. The marriage, Imriel is forced to separate from Sidon to move with his wife Alba, a remote island and
primitive, inhabited by a people jealous of the ancient traditions and dedicated to dark magic. Fin now, the newcomer feel an atmosphere hostile, and his fears are confirmed when a witch tries to subdue to his will through a powerful spell. Determined not to bend, Imriel discovers, however, to get rid of this oppressive yoke will be required to pay a high price: Sidonie to give up on love ...
The bride and the revenge is the second part of The Prince and the sin which is the fourth part of the cycle fantasy focuses on Imriel, the second series Kushiel's Legacy Series which also includes the cycle of Phedre and the of Moirin, Naamah The Trilogy. Here is a summary diagram
Kushiel trilogy
1.Il dart and the Rose (Kushiel's Dart, 2001)
2.La and chosen heir (Kushiel's Chosen, 2002)
3.La mask and darkness (Kushiel's Avatar, 2003)
trilogy Imriel
1.Il throne and lineage - The blood and the traitor (Kushiel's Scion, 2006)
2.Il Prince and sin - The bride and the revenge (Kushiel's Justice, 2007 )
3.Kushiel 's Mercy (2008)
trilogy Moirin
1. Naamah's Kiss (2009)
2. Naamah's Curse (2010)
3. Naamah's Blessing (2011)
From the earliest moments on the island of Alba, Prince de la Courcel Imriel has struggled to gain respect from both the local population by the nobles of the court. The marriage Dorelei mab Breidaia broke the heart of the young prince who had to give way to his true love, Sidonie. The life of Imri lights of joy and hope when his wife tells him she is pregnant. But Berlik, the mysterious people of Maghuin Dhonn, hit the prince in his happiest moment. Blinded by hatred Imriel start the search for justice and revenge through the sea, the Flatlands (Benelux) and Skald (Germany), up to the endless Vralia (European Russia). During Imriel this trip will be put to the test both physically and in his deep where they hide feelings such as hatred, love and revenge. This trip will take him through rough and dangerous places and above all the will in front of itself and its dark sides. Let us prepare then to a book, intense and full of surprises.
Are you a fan of Carey and the series? Do you want this beautiful book? Joining is simple: become a follower of the blog and leave a comment to this post reminding you to write your email to be contacted in case of victory! We have a copy as a prize for you ...
Jacqueline Carey was born in 1964. After graduating in Psychology and English Literature at the Lake Forest College, has traveled extensively, and subsequently decided to become a writer, publishing numerous short stories, several works of nonfiction, and finally the trilogy of novels focusing on Phedre The dart and rose (North, 2005), Chosen inherit (North, 2006) and The Mask and the darkness (North, 2007), which aroused the enthusiasm of American audiences and critics, both to stay in the rankings of the New York Times for more than a month. After The throne and the offspring (North, 2009), and the traitor's blood (North, 2010) and Prince and sin (North, 2010), The bride and sold it to pursue new saga set in the magical kingdom of Terre D'Ange.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Who Can Draft A Warranty Deed In Wisconsin?
March 8: Spells Special
Pages: 352
Language: Italian
Publisher : Sperling & Kupfer
Release Date 08/03/2011
Genres: Fantasy
has begun the summer, but the life of Laurel is not the same. Now that she knows to be a fairy, can not ignore its responsibility to the kingdom of Avalon. And so, when it is convened by the Academy of you for a crash course in magic, he decided to leave immediately. In Avalon, Laurel will finally be herself. Learn the spells that will allow it to defend the kingdom from the terrible secret doors Jeremiah Barnes and realize that his destiny. But get back to Avalon
means much more. It means calling into question everything and hurt the person you love most in the world, its sweet human boyfriend, David. Why there will revise Tamani. It has been many months since their last meeting, Laurel and I think I forgot. But when he holds her back in her arms, professing eternal love, in her wake heady emotions, emotions that David has never been able to try them. Once again contested between two worlds, and two boys as different as irresistible, Laurel will have to make a painful choice, that perhaps break my heart forever.
But the salvation of Avalon is hanging by a thread and Laurel is time to decide: what is really his place among humans or among the fairies? What is your future, with the tender or the charming David Tamani? the second, highly anticipated chapter in the saga of Wings. A reading full of magic, romance and adventure, a sweeping love story.
Spells is the second volume of a fantasy saga about love and fairies. The first novel, Wings was ten weeks in the ranking of beststeller the New York Times!
Pages: 324
Language: Italian
Publisher: Sperling & Kupfer
Release Date 09/02/2010
Genres: Fantasy
Laurel has fifteen years and has just moved with parents in a new city. New school, new friends ... a difficult test, for which she is so shy. Laurel is still not conscious, but it's really beautiful: clear complexion, blonde hair, big green eyes. Small, thin, eating only fruits and vegetables, loves nature and picnic lunch in the canteen prefers grass and walks.
is its diversity compared to other high school students to immediately attract the attention of David, nice, sweet and sensitive, which helps to socialize the new environment. It is clear to everyone that has a soft spot for Laurel, although she seems to consider it just a friend. Laurel does not happen until something inexplicable that terrorizes and David, to comfort her, kisses her ...
To unravel the mystery of what is happening, Laurel feels he must return to his old house in the town where he lived for twelve years. There, nestled in the quiet of the forest that always reassured her, a strange encounter: from behind a tree comes out a beautiful boy whose magnetic emerald eyes have on her a kind of spell so compelling and enigmatic. Tamani, that is how it seems always to know, she knows things that Laurel no knowledge, and reveals a shocking truth.
Since then Laurel will be suspended between two worlds, torn between two equally attractive guys that attract the opposite directions. Who will deliver his heart?
extraordinary narrative debut, Wings mixes love, adventure and fantasy in a tender and passionate story, which reads in a single breath. And in the end leaves us with a pressing question: who would have chosen if I were in the place of Laurel?
I was lucky enough to go into a few days in this wonderful saga and, very soon, you'll have my review of both volumes! But now dedicate ourselves to you! The
Sperling & Kupfer through Tiffany's, offers you the opportunity to read exclusive the first two chapters of Wings ... is not it great?
Ma le sorprese non finiscono qui! Volete vincere una copia di Spells, il nuovo capitolo della saga di Aprilynne Pike?
Partecipare al giveaway è facilissimo! Non dovrete fare altro che lasciare un commento a uno o più post dello speciale, consigliando a vostra volta una lettura che ritenete pertinente a questa giornata. Non importa se commenterete qui o su Sfogliando, il giveaway riguarda entrambi i blog (ognuno dei due blog procederà all'estrazione di una copia - quindi le copie in palio saranno in realtà due - e i fortunati vincitori verranno sorteggiati dall'elenco completo dei partecipanti, indipendentemente dal fatto che questi abbiano postato commenti su un blog, piuttosto che sull'altro, piuttosto che su entrambi).
Per avere più possibilità di vincere dovrete commentare, a piacere, i vari post dello speciale. Più commenti lascerete, più sarete vicini alla vittoria! Ovviamente non saranno contati più commenti allo stesso post e per poter partecipare dovrete essere follower dei due blog .
L'estrazione avverrà tra una settimana esatta, ovvero martedì 15 marzo . Avete tempo fino a quel giorno per lasciare i vostri commenti!
Tutto questo solo da Reading at Tiffany's e Sfogliando , buon 8 marzo sorelle!
\u0026lt;a href="http://readingattiffanys.blogspot.com/2011/03/speciale-8-marzo.html"/> \u0026lt;img src = " http://i51.tinypic.com/34r8t2a.jpg "/>\u0026lt;/ a> |
the collaboration between Reading at Tiffany's and Leafing was born a special devoted entirely to women, and now that we have come to an end, I can reveal the mysterious title character of this highly anticipated giveaway!
of Aprilynne Pike
€ 17.90
Format: Hardcover Pages: 352
Language: Italian
Publisher : Sperling & Kupfer
Release Date 08/03/2011
Genres: Fantasy
has begun the summer, but the life of Laurel is not the same. Now that she knows to be a fairy, can not ignore its responsibility to the kingdom of Avalon. And so, when it is convened by the Academy of you for a crash course in magic, he decided to leave immediately. In Avalon, Laurel will finally be herself. Learn the spells that will allow it to defend the kingdom from the terrible secret doors Jeremiah Barnes and realize that his destiny. But get back to Avalon
means much more. It means calling into question everything and hurt the person you love most in the world, its sweet human boyfriend, David. Why there will revise Tamani. It has been many months since their last meeting, Laurel and I think I forgot. But when he holds her back in her arms, professing eternal love, in her wake heady emotions, emotions that David has never been able to try them. Once again contested between two worlds, and two boys as different as irresistible, Laurel will have to make a painful choice, that perhaps break my heart forever.
But the salvation of Avalon is hanging by a thread and Laurel is time to decide: what is really his place among humans or among the fairies? What is your future, with the tender or the charming David Tamani? the second, highly anticipated chapter in the saga of Wings. A reading full of magic, romance and adventure, a sweeping love story.
Spells is the second volume of a fantasy saga about love and fairies. The first novel, Wings was ten weeks in the ranking of beststeller the New York Times!
of Aprilynne Pike
€ 18.90
Format: Hardcover Pages: 324
Language: Italian
Publisher: Sperling & Kupfer
Release Date 09/02/2010
Genres: Fantasy
Laurel has fifteen years and has just moved with parents in a new city. New school, new friends ... a difficult test, for which she is so shy. Laurel is still not conscious, but it's really beautiful: clear complexion, blonde hair, big green eyes. Small, thin, eating only fruits and vegetables, loves nature and picnic lunch in the canteen prefers grass and walks.
is its diversity compared to other high school students to immediately attract the attention of David, nice, sweet and sensitive, which helps to socialize the new environment. It is clear to everyone that has a soft spot for Laurel, although she seems to consider it just a friend. Laurel does not happen until something inexplicable that terrorizes and David, to comfort her, kisses her ...
To unravel the mystery of what is happening, Laurel feels he must return to his old house in the town where he lived for twelve years. There, nestled in the quiet of the forest that always reassured her, a strange encounter: from behind a tree comes out a beautiful boy whose magnetic emerald eyes have on her a kind of spell so compelling and enigmatic. Tamani, that is how it seems always to know, she knows things that Laurel no knowledge, and reveals a shocking truth.
Since then Laurel will be suspended between two worlds, torn between two equally attractive guys that attract the opposite directions. Who will deliver his heart?
extraordinary narrative debut, Wings mixes love, adventure and fantasy in a tender and passionate story, which reads in a single breath. And in the end leaves us with a pressing question: who would have chosen if I were in the place of Laurel?
I was lucky enough to go into a few days in this wonderful saga and, very soon, you'll have my review of both volumes! But now dedicate ourselves to you! The
Sperling & Kupfer through Tiffany's, offers you the opportunity to read exclusive the first two chapters of Wings ... is not it great?
Partecipare al giveaway è facilissimo! Non dovrete fare altro che lasciare un commento a uno o più post dello speciale, consigliando a vostra volta una lettura che ritenete pertinente a questa giornata. Non importa se commenterete qui o su Sfogliando, il giveaway riguarda entrambi i blog (ognuno dei due blog procederà all'estrazione di una copia - quindi le copie in palio saranno in realtà due - e i fortunati vincitori verranno sorteggiati dall'elenco completo dei partecipanti, indipendentemente dal fatto che questi abbiano postato commenti su un blog, piuttosto che sull'altro, piuttosto che su entrambi).
Per avere più possibilità di vincere dovrete commentare, a piacere, i vari post dello speciale. Più commenti lascerete, più sarete vicini alla vittoria! Ovviamente non saranno contati più commenti allo stesso post e per poter partecipare dovrete essere follower dei due blog .
L'estrazione avverrà tra una settimana esatta, ovvero martedì 15 marzo . Avete tempo fino a quel giorno per lasciare i vostri commenti!
Tutto questo solo da Reading at Tiffany's e Sfogliando , buon 8 marzo sorelle!
Vegetable Ink Cartridges
March 8: The House of the Spirits
the collaboration between Reading at Tiffany's and Leafing was born a special devoted entirely to women and now I do, Kait , to tell you about a wonderful book that I find suitable for this occasion.
Price: € 11.50
Format: Paperback
Pages: 368
Language: Italian
Original title: La casa de los Espiritus
Original language: English
Publisher: Feltrinelli
Publication Year: 1987
Translator: A. Morino, Angelo Morino, S. Pilot, Pilot Sonia di Castri
Genres: Novels and Literature, Novels foreign contemporaries
love, magic, mystery, dreams are intertwined with the violence and the horrors of war that led to the rise of Chile's Pinochet in this wonderful novel by Isabel Allende. At the "Tres Marias", a beautiful estate of properties of Esteban Trueba, are intertwined with the passions of the different actors: Clara, wife of the owner, spend their lives wrapped in memories, Ferula, Esteban's sister, dedicates her life to others; Blanca is in love with a servant of his father, Pedro that will take part in the guerrilla war of the revolution, Alba, her granddaughter, will instead face the dictatorship while Esteban discover, precisely because of the tragic political events of his country, first of all to love his family.
Isabel Allende wrote this novel that features various types of women. All women who came together to deal with numerous obstacles faced each reacting differently pain and taking charge of various difficulties. A book that also gives us an overview of what has been a historical reality important for Chile doubled by the dictatorship.
Clara, perhaps my favorite female figure is a woman who lives at the center of two worlds, the real and the spiritual difficult to be detected by anyone. A delicate and fragile-looking woman, but that carries within itself the strength of those who can read the human soul, and with a wise and sensitive, able to completely conquer the love of Esteban. She who see the future and talk with the spirits, unable to cope with his calmness and gentleness to violence of her husband and knows how to be a comfort in times of trouble inspiring confidence and protection. A woman who loves the memories, writing diaries not to forget, to keep alive in your mind at any time, journals that are then inherited by his daughter Clara Blanca as die prematurely because of an illness.
Ferula , Esteban's sister is a woman who has always lived in the shadows. A woman misunderstood, used to help and be available to others, assist in every way to make his brother happy, from which it receives more brusque and prickly. Ferula is a weak and fragile woman who really tries to be accepted and welcomed by serving and devoting the lives of others. Clara finds herself in the gentle, for the first time, a source of affection, feels accepted and loved as a friend, a sister and unfortunately for this attachment will be driven out of his home by his brother, who then finds himself later died in a miserable solitude .
Blanca, daughter of Esteban and Clara is a girl free, independent and creative. Pedro falls in love with the son of a laborer and Esteban long you attend irregularly until she becomes pregnant and the father discovered their relationship forces her to marry the French Count Jean De Satigny. Blanca is a woman Passionaria and resourceful, like Pedro in a straightforward manner and we will see later the arranged marriage and then decides to leave her husband and return home with the little Alba. An artist, a free spirit who can not bend to the will of others and trying to fight for what makes her happy and it's better for her.
Alba, the daughter of Blanca and Pedro Tercero establishes a relationship with his grandfather Esteban strong and unique at the same time. In college, falls in love with Miguel, a revolutionary who involves her in protest against the conservative government and which will begin a sweeping report. Unfortunately because of this relationship began when the military regime's harsh crackdown on opponents Alba will stop here and we will see face to face with the historical and political reality which has traveled to Chile will be abused and raped and finds himself to appeal to all his strength to not let go, to fight and be able to get up after that. Is made to leave with the friends of her grandfather and will be the only one present at the death of his grandfather Esteban.
- He suggested, moreover, to write a testimonial that could one day serve to unearth the terrible secret that he was living, so that the world was aware of the horror that went along with the peaceful and orderly existence of those who did not want to know, to those who could not remain anchored to the illusion of a normal life, of those could not deny that, of those who were floating above a sea of \u200b\u200bwailing, ignoring all the evidence, that a few blocks from their happy world there were others, those that survive or die on the dark side. -
A magical book, which contains special thousand emotions all at once. It is easy to identify with each woman in this story, because women are very real, and different facets, but at the same time all their own way to hide a strength and a unique determination. The constancy not to give up to go on whatever happens to be able to turn every experience, however hard and difficult to learn a lesson from which, in a wound that serves as a reminder e a dare forza. Ognuna ha le sue debolezze, le sue mancanze, ognuna ama con una passione ed un coraggio senza limiti, pronte spesso a sacrificarsi per questo sentimento persino ad annullarsi per un momento.
Mi piace perchè nonostante sia una storia inventata, in realtà in parte rispecchia alcuni dei mille colori di una donna, aspetti che spesso non vengono neanche valorizzati perchè considerati comuni ma che nascondo il perchè le donne sono poi così speciali. Auguri a tutte voi.
- Per la prima volta nella sua vita, Alba sentì il bisogno di essere bella e rimpianse che nessuna delle splendide donne della sua famiglia le avesse lasciato in eredità its attributes, and the only one who had it, the beautiful Rose, had given only a hint of seaweed in her hair, which, if it was not accompanied by all the rest, it seemed rather a failure of the hair salon. When Miguel guessed his anxiety, he took her by the hand to the large Venetian mirror that adorned one corner of the secret room, removed the dust from the broken glass and then lit candles all he had and placed it around. She is checking into a thousand fragments of the mirror. Her skin, lit by candles, was the color of the wax figures unreal. Miguel began to fondle her and she saw his face turn in the kaleidoscope of the mirror and finally agreed that she was the most beautiful of the universe, perché aveva potuto vedersi con gli occhi con cui la vedeva Miguel. -
\u0026lt;a href="http://readingattiffanys.blogspot.com/2011/03/speciale-8-marzo.html"/> \u0026lt;img src = "http:/ / i51.tinypic.com/34r8t2a.jpg "/>\u0026lt;/ a> |
the collaboration between Reading at Tiffany's and Leafing was born a special devoted entirely to women and now I do, Kait , to tell you about a wonderful book that I find suitable for this occasion.
Price: € 11.50
Format: Paperback
Pages: 368
Language: Italian
Original title: La casa de los Espiritus
Original language: English
Publisher: Feltrinelli
Publication Year: 1987
Translator: A. Morino, Angelo Morino, S. Pilot, Pilot Sonia di Castri
Genres: Novels and Literature, Novels foreign contemporaries
love, magic, mystery, dreams are intertwined with the violence and the horrors of war that led to the rise of Chile's Pinochet in this wonderful novel by Isabel Allende. At the "Tres Marias", a beautiful estate of properties of Esteban Trueba, are intertwined with the passions of the different actors: Clara, wife of the owner, spend their lives wrapped in memories, Ferula, Esteban's sister, dedicates her life to others; Blanca is in love with a servant of his father, Pedro that will take part in the guerrilla war of the revolution, Alba, her granddaughter, will instead face the dictatorship while Esteban discover, precisely because of the tragic political events of his country, first of all to love his family.
Isabel Allende wrote this novel that features various types of women. All women who came together to deal with numerous obstacles faced each reacting differently pain and taking charge of various difficulties. A book that also gives us an overview of what has been a historical reality important for Chile doubled by the dictatorship.
- He suggested, moreover, to write a testimonial that could one day serve to unearth the terrible secret that he was living, so that the world was aware of the horror that went along with the peaceful and orderly existence of those who did not want to know, to those who could not remain anchored to the illusion of a normal life, of those could not deny that, of those who were floating above a sea of \u200b\u200bwailing, ignoring all the evidence, that a few blocks from their happy world there were others, those that survive or die on the dark side. -
A magical book, which contains special thousand emotions all at once. It is easy to identify with each woman in this story, because women are very real, and different facets, but at the same time all their own way to hide a strength and a unique determination. The constancy not to give up to go on whatever happens to be able to turn every experience, however hard and difficult to learn a lesson from which, in a wound that serves as a reminder e a dare forza. Ognuna ha le sue debolezze, le sue mancanze, ognuna ama con una passione ed un coraggio senza limiti, pronte spesso a sacrificarsi per questo sentimento persino ad annullarsi per un momento.
Mi piace perchè nonostante sia una storia inventata, in realtà in parte rispecchia alcuni dei mille colori di una donna, aspetti che spesso non vengono neanche valorizzati perchè considerati comuni ma che nascondo il perchè le donne sono poi così speciali. Auguri a tutte voi.
Homemade Action Replay Ps2
Special March 8: What would Audrey? Special
Pages: 246
Language: Italian
Original title: What Would Audrey Do?
Original language: English
Publisher: Sonzogno
Publisher 2010
Translator: C. Volpi
Genres: Biography, Diaries and Memoirs
As if they penetrate between the pages of a diary written in first person, this book introduces us to the intimacy of Audrey Hepburn and makes us discover the most private of the actress who fell in love with the extraordinary men and continues to fascinate women today. We walk past a collection of unreleased material, anecdotes, stories from people who knew her closely, until tips of all sorts, from yoga to diet, beauty tips from the care of the house, the techniques of seduction to the Decalogue succeed in work, not forgetting important moments in life such as friendship or relationship with their children. We follow the diva in many different situations: childhood during the war, the world of Hollywood marriages, even in the dressing room, where it is lawful to browse the film sets that have left their mark, by Sabrina Coalzione at Tiffany's in Roman Holiday. We thus discover that Audrey left a legacy very valuable for those "eternal youth" - and are more and more - that would be like her.
Audrey Hepburn is the one who inspired the title of this blog and the idea of \u200b\u200ban all-female team as we are. But Audrey, especially for me, is an icon of style and femininity and, at least once in their lives, all we wanted to be like her ...
Audrey Hepburn captured the Americans in September 1953, revealing to the general public in the role of Princess Anne in Roman Holiday . Since then the movie world has not forgotten. That's because Audrey Hepburn was a star. It is as if the gods had looked down, smiling, and they chose her. Twenty-five years had already survived the Nazis, had nearly died of starvation, had kissed Gregory Peck, known Givenchy, won an Oscar, had fascinated and Colette had appeared on the cover of Time.
Audrey's love life was fair and exciting at the same time, proprio come lei. A ventiquattro anni era già stata fidanzata con l'uomo d'affari inglese James Hanson, era sul punto di sposare Mel Ferrel, era stata pazzamente innamorata dell'hollywoodiano William Holden e usciva di tanto in tanto con John F. Kennedy, senatore del Massachusetts.
Audrey Hepburn era un mito. Non perché era bellissima o perché Givenchy la vestiva, e nemmeno perché era un'attrice di fama mondiale. In realtà Audrey era un'attrice famosa, un mito e forse persino bella solo grazie a ciò che aveva dentro.
Audrey era famosa per il suo stile, la bellezza and that certain "something" that made her a star. work in practically all his life, earning a living. Despite being a very traditional wife, always kept their jobs.
Audrey had enjoyed huge success as an actress, now it was time to reciprocate.
In 1988 she was asked to become ambassador to the United Nations Children's Fund.
Within five years she and her husband Robert Wolders made more than fifty humanitarian trip to Japan, Turkey, Holland, Central America, El Salvador, Vietnam and Australia.
In September 1992, diagnosed with a malignant tumor. Audrey died in Switzerland on January 20, 1993 sessantatré anni.
«Non so quanto possiamo durare nella memoria della gente, ma se c'è una che ha il diritto di essere ricordata, è senz'altro lei.»
Blake Edwards
Questo libro mi ha fatto sorridere, riflettere e anche piangere un po'. Ho conosciuto un lato di Audrey che ignoravo e ho scoperto quante cose di lei non sappiamo. Questa piccola guida ci svela come portare, giorno dopo giorno, un po' di Audrey nella nostra vita quotidiana.
Una biografia ironica e originale, con tanto di test, consigli e questionari da compilare! Per chi ha voglia di conoscere questa diva intramontabile, per chi già la ama e per chi ancora non lo sa!
Felice 8 marzo Sir, I leave you with a quote from Audrey that I dedicate to you all ...
<a href="http://readingattiffanys.blogspot.com/2011/03/speciale-8-marzo.html"/><img src="http://i51.tinypic.com/34r8t2a.jpg"/></a> |
Dalla collaborazione tra Reading at Tiffany's e Sfogliando è nato uno speciale dedicato interamente alle donne e ora sarò io, Annie , a parlarvi di una figura women from whom I feel particularly inspired ... the fabulous Audrey!
What would Audrey?
Pamela Keogh
€ 17.00
Format: Paperback Pages: 246
Language: Italian
Original title: What Would Audrey Do?
Original language: English
Publisher: Sonzogno
Publisher 2010
Translator: C. Volpi
Genres: Biography, Diaries and Memoirs
As if they penetrate between the pages of a diary written in first person, this book introduces us to the intimacy of Audrey Hepburn and makes us discover the most private of the actress who fell in love with the extraordinary men and continues to fascinate women today. We walk past a collection of unreleased material, anecdotes, stories from people who knew her closely, until tips of all sorts, from yoga to diet, beauty tips from the care of the house, the techniques of seduction to the Decalogue succeed in work, not forgetting important moments in life such as friendship or relationship with their children. We follow the diva in many different situations: childhood during the war, the world of Hollywood marriages, even in the dressing room, where it is lawful to browse the film sets that have left their mark, by Sabrina Coalzione at Tiffany's in Roman Holiday. We thus discover that Audrey left a legacy very valuable for those "eternal youth" - and are more and more - that would be like her.
Audrey Hepburn is the one who inspired the title of this blog and the idea of \u200b\u200ban all-female team as we are. But Audrey, especially for me, is an icon of style and femininity and, at least once in their lives, all we wanted to be like her ...
Audrey Hepburn captured the Americans in September 1953, revealing to the general public in the role of Princess Anne in Roman Holiday . Since then the movie world has not forgotten. That's because Audrey Hepburn was a star. It is as if the gods had looked down, smiling, and they chose her. Twenty-five years had already survived the Nazis, had nearly died of starvation, had kissed Gregory Peck, known Givenchy, won an Oscar, had fascinated and Colette had appeared on the cover of Time.
Audrey's love life was fair and exciting at the same time, proprio come lei. A ventiquattro anni era già stata fidanzata con l'uomo d'affari inglese James Hanson, era sul punto di sposare Mel Ferrel, era stata pazzamente innamorata dell'hollywoodiano William Holden e usciva di tanto in tanto con John F. Kennedy, senatore del Massachusetts.
Audrey Hepburn era un mito. Non perché era bellissima o perché Givenchy la vestiva, e nemmeno perché era un'attrice di fama mondiale. In realtà Audrey era un'attrice famosa, un mito e forse persino bella solo grazie a ciò che aveva dentro.
Audrey had enjoyed huge success as an actress, now it was time to reciprocate.
In 1988 she was asked to become ambassador to the United Nations Children's Fund.
Within five years she and her husband Robert Wolders made more than fifty humanitarian trip to Japan, Turkey, Holland, Central America, El Salvador, Vietnam and Australia.
In September 1992, diagnosed with a malignant tumor. Audrey died in Switzerland on January 20, 1993 sessantatré anni.
«Non so quanto possiamo durare nella memoria della gente, ma se c'è una che ha il diritto di essere ricordata, è senz'altro lei.»
Blake Edwards
Questo libro mi ha fatto sorridere, riflettere e anche piangere un po'. Ho conosciuto un lato di Audrey che ignoravo e ho scoperto quante cose di lei non sappiamo. Questa piccola guida ci svela come portare, giorno dopo giorno, un po' di Audrey nella nostra vita quotidiana.
Una biografia ironica e originale, con tanto di test, consigli e questionari da compilare! Per chi ha voglia di conoscere questa diva intramontabile, per chi già la ama e per chi ancora non lo sa!
Felice 8 marzo Sir, I leave you with a quote from Audrey that I dedicate to you all ...
"Remember, if you need a hand, you'll find it at the end of your arm and as you become older, remember you have another hand: the first is to help yourself The second is to help others. "
Audrey Hepburn
Simpsons Sound Blaster Card
March 8: Women Who Run With Wolves Special
• Size: Paperback, 608 pages • Publisher
: Frassinelli
• Series: Essays
• Language: Italian
• Category: Psychology
"We are pervaded by nostalgia for the old wilderness. There are few antidotes approved for that longing. We were taught to be ashamed of such a desire. We let his hair grow and we have used to hide the feelings but the shadow of Wild Woman still flattens behind us, in our days, our nights. Everywhere and always, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-legged. "
Estes Women Who Run with Wolves is a book about the inner life of the woman in which through a series of stories, myths and fairy tales from the folklore of many traditions shows the path of "Wild Women". According to Estes, wolves and women share a psychic and spiritual bond which is manifested in the pride and grace with which they live their lives as companions, mothers and community members. This comparison defines what the book is the archetypal wild woman, a woman in deep contact with his savage and primitive side that relies at crucial moments of life.
"healthy wolves and healthy women share certain psychic characteristics: acute sensibility, playful spirit and great devotion. Wolves and women are similar in nature, are curious and have great strength and endurance. They are deeply intuitive, intensely concerned with their children, the companion of the group. They are experts in the art to adapt to ever changing circumstances, they are fiercely stalwart and very brave. Yet the two species were both persecuted, tortured and falsely accused of being greedy and wrong, terribly aggressive, with a value much lower than that of their detractors. Have been the target of those who would like to clean up non soltanto i territori selvaggi ma anche i luoghi selvaggi della psiche, soffocando l’istintuale al punto da non lasciarne traccia.”
-C.P. Estés-
La raccolta di storie presentata nel libro incoraggia ognuna di noi a ritornare alla propria radice ancestrale affrontando gli aspetti delle relazioni, dell’immagine di sé e della propria auto-consapevolezza secondo diverse prospettive. Ed è così che nel susseguirsi di favole e leggende incontriamo i molteplici aspetti e le trappole della psiche e conosciamo i consigli della Estés per cercare di smascherare, comprendere ed abbandonare i comportamenti inutili al fine di ricongiungerci col vero centro di noi stesse. Nuovi livelli di conoscenza e potere si raggiungono leggendo, avanzando nelle profondità dei miti e dei simboli contenuti nelle storie ed è così che può avvenire l’incontro con la parte intima di noi stesse, fatta di molteplici sfaccettature e spesso nascosta o dimenticata. Ogni racconto, mito o leggenda ci introduce ad un particolare aspetto della nostra vita interiore aprendo il cuore a nuove rivelazioni. Donne che corrono coi lupi è molto più di una semplice lettura e nonostante la sua struttura complessa può essere un aiuto nel comprendere tanto di noi stesse. Ogni tanto lo stile narrativo è iperbolico e non facilmente scorrevole, ci dovremo soffermare più di una volta per rileggere ed interiorizzare concetti non proprio semplici. Non sempre sarà possibile essere d’accordo con quanto scritto ma questo è uno degli aspetti più interessanti del libro. Non si accetta tutto a piene mani ma senza dubbio si riflette su quanto questi racconti parlino anche un po’ di noi.
Amo questo libro perché mi è stato e mi sarà utile, mi ha consentito di osservarmi sinceramente e fare luce su alcuni aspetti della mia vita. Può essere d’ispirazione e stimolo per crescere e conoscersi meglio, per disegnare le nostre vite nel modo più naturale e soddisfacente per noi stesse, ci sono molto affezionata e lo considero un piccolo tesoro da tenere sul comodino, come la voce antica di una madre che racconta.
“Che be introverted or extroverted, women who love women or men, or God, or all together, who have a simple heart or the ambitions of an Amazon, you're trying to reach the top only or tomorrow, or you're biting gloomy, gifts or rushing, the wild woman belongs to you. It belongs to all women. "
-CP-Estes Clarissa Pinkola Estes
teaching and practicing analyst. She was director of the CG Jung Center in Denver and received his doctorate in clinical psychology and ethnology.
\u0026lt;a href =" http://readingattiffanys .blogspot.com/2011/03/speciale-8-marzo.html "/> \u0026lt;img src="http://i51.tinypic.com/34r8t2a.jpg"/></a> |
Dalla collaborazione tra Reading at Tiffany's e Sfogliando nasce lo speciale su questa importante e più che mai attuale commemorazione. Per questo avvenimento io, Roxy , ho scelto di parlarvi di un libro scritto da una donna per le donne. Un consiglio valido non solo l’8 marzo e che mi sento di dare a chiunque abbia voglia di intraprendere una lettura fortificante ed illuminante. Non un romanzo ma un libro sul femminile troppo spesso dimenticato, soffocato o abbandonato in un angolo, a volte anche da noi themselves.
• Size: Paperback, 608 pages • Publisher
: Frassinelli
• Series: Essays
• Language: Italian
• Category: Psychology
"We are pervaded by nostalgia for the old wilderness. There are few antidotes approved for that longing. We were taught to be ashamed of such a desire. We let his hair grow and we have used to hide the feelings but the shadow of Wild Woman still flattens behind us, in our days, our nights. Everywhere and always, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-legged. "
Estes Women Who Run with Wolves is a book about the inner life of the woman in which through a series of stories, myths and fairy tales from the folklore of many traditions shows the path of "Wild Women". According to Estes, wolves and women share a psychic and spiritual bond which is manifested in the pride and grace with which they live their lives as companions, mothers and community members. This comparison defines what the book is the archetypal wild woman, a woman in deep contact with his savage and primitive side that relies at crucial moments of life.

-C.P. Estés-
La raccolta di storie presentata nel libro incoraggia ognuna di noi a ritornare alla propria radice ancestrale affrontando gli aspetti delle relazioni, dell’immagine di sé e della propria auto-consapevolezza secondo diverse prospettive. Ed è così che nel susseguirsi di favole e leggende incontriamo i molteplici aspetti e le trappole della psiche e conosciamo i consigli della Estés per cercare di smascherare, comprendere ed abbandonare i comportamenti inutili al fine di ricongiungerci col vero centro di noi stesse. Nuovi livelli di conoscenza e potere si raggiungono leggendo, avanzando nelle profondità dei miti e dei simboli contenuti nelle storie ed è così che può avvenire l’incontro con la parte intima di noi stesse, fatta di molteplici sfaccettature e spesso nascosta o dimenticata. Ogni racconto, mito o leggenda ci introduce ad un particolare aspetto della nostra vita interiore aprendo il cuore a nuove rivelazioni. Donne che corrono coi lupi è molto più di una semplice lettura e nonostante la sua struttura complessa può essere un aiuto nel comprendere tanto di noi stesse. Ogni tanto lo stile narrativo è iperbolico e non facilmente scorrevole, ci dovremo soffermare più di una volta per rileggere ed interiorizzare concetti non proprio semplici. Non sempre sarà possibile essere d’accordo con quanto scritto ma questo è uno degli aspetti più interessanti del libro. Non si accetta tutto a piene mani ma senza dubbio si riflette su quanto questi racconti parlino anche un po’ di noi.
Amo questo libro perché mi è stato e mi sarà utile, mi ha consentito di osservarmi sinceramente e fare luce su alcuni aspetti della mia vita. Può essere d’ispirazione e stimolo per crescere e conoscersi meglio, per disegnare le nostre vite nel modo più naturale e soddisfacente per noi stesse, ci sono molto affezionata e lo considero un piccolo tesoro da tenere sul comodino, come la voce antica di una madre che racconta.

“Che be introverted or extroverted, women who love women or men, or God, or all together, who have a simple heart or the ambitions of an Amazon, you're trying to reach the top only or tomorrow, or you're biting gloomy, gifts or rushing, the wild woman belongs to you. It belongs to all women. "
-CP-Estes Clarissa Pinkola Estes
teaching and practicing analyst. She was director of the CG Jung Center in Denver and received his doctorate in clinical psychology and ethnology.
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IPad 2 e la fotocamera da iPod
Steve Jobs unveiled the new version dell'iPad introducing innovations in terms of speed and graphics, but a few days after it comes out the the first major flaw: the camera.
In fact, the iPad has a second camera at the iPod Touch. "The specs for the iPad’s rear-facing camera only lists one number: 720p. That should mean 1280 x 720 pixels, which gives a megapixel figure of 0.92, clearly useless for stills".
Steve Jobs unveiled the new version dell'iPad introducing innovations in terms of speed and graphics, but a few days after it comes out the the first major flaw: the camera.
In fact, the iPad has a second camera at the iPod Touch. "The specs for the iPad’s rear-facing camera only lists one number: 720p. That should mean 1280 x 720 pixels, which gives a megapixel figure of 0.92, clearly useless for stills".
Se l'iPhone 4 ha una fotocamera da 5 megapixel, l' iPad non arriva nemmeno a un megapixel . Questa defezione potrebbe condizionare in parte il successo della nuova versione. Anche perché i concorrenti potrebbero sfruttare tale difetto per realizzare dei prodotti superiori o, comunque, più appetibili per i consumatori.
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