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Dalla collaborazione tra Reading at Tiffany's e Sfogliando è nato uno speciale dedicato interamente alle donne e ora sarò io, Annie , a parlarvi di una figura women from whom I feel particularly inspired ... the fabulous Audrey!
What would Audrey?
Pamela Keogh
€ 17.00
Format: Paperback Pages: 246
Language: Italian
Original title: What Would Audrey Do?
Original language: English
Publisher: Sonzogno
Publisher 2010
Translator: C. Volpi
Genres: Biography, Diaries and Memoirs
As if they penetrate between the pages of a diary written in first person, this book introduces us to the intimacy of Audrey Hepburn and makes us discover the most private of the actress who fell in love with the extraordinary men and continues to fascinate women today. We walk past a collection of unreleased material, anecdotes, stories from people who knew her closely, until tips of all sorts, from yoga to diet, beauty tips from the care of the house, the techniques of seduction to the Decalogue succeed in work, not forgetting important moments in life such as friendship or relationship with their children. We follow the diva in many different situations: childhood during the war, the world of Hollywood marriages, even in the dressing room, where it is lawful to browse the film sets that have left their mark, by Sabrina Coalzione at Tiffany's in Roman Holiday. We thus discover that Audrey left a legacy very valuable for those "eternal youth" - and are more and more - that would be like her.
Audrey Hepburn is the one who inspired the title of this blog and the idea of \u200b\u200ban all-female team as we are. But Audrey, especially for me, is an icon of style and femininity and, at least once in their lives, all we wanted to be like her ...
Audrey Hepburn captured the Americans in September 1953, revealing to the general public in the role of Princess Anne in Roman Holiday . Since then the movie world has not forgotten. That's because Audrey Hepburn was a star. It is as if the gods had looked down, smiling, and they chose her. Twenty-five years had already survived the Nazis, had nearly died of starvation, had kissed Gregory Peck, known Givenchy, won an Oscar, had fascinated and Colette had appeared on the cover of Time.
Audrey's love life was fair and exciting at the same time, proprio come lei. A ventiquattro anni era già stata fidanzata con l'uomo d'affari inglese James Hanson, era sul punto di sposare Mel Ferrel, era stata pazzamente innamorata dell'hollywoodiano William Holden e usciva di tanto in tanto con John F. Kennedy, senatore del Massachusetts.
Audrey Hepburn era un mito. Non perché era bellissima o perché Givenchy la vestiva, e nemmeno perché era un'attrice di fama mondiale. In realtà Audrey era un'attrice famosa, un mito e forse persino bella solo grazie a ciò che aveva dentro.
Audrey had enjoyed huge success as an actress, now it was time to reciprocate.
In 1988 she was asked to become ambassador to the United Nations Children's Fund.
Within five years she and her husband Robert Wolders made more than fifty humanitarian trip to Japan, Turkey, Holland, Central America, El Salvador, Vietnam and Australia.
In September 1992, diagnosed with a malignant tumor. Audrey died in Switzerland on January 20, 1993 sessantatré anni.
«Non so quanto possiamo durare nella memoria della gente, ma se c'è una che ha il diritto di essere ricordata, è senz'altro lei.»
Blake Edwards
Questo libro mi ha fatto sorridere, riflettere e anche piangere un po'. Ho conosciuto un lato di Audrey che ignoravo e ho scoperto quante cose di lei non sappiamo. Questa piccola guida ci svela come portare, giorno dopo giorno, un po' di Audrey nella nostra vita quotidiana.
Una biografia ironica e originale, con tanto di test, consigli e questionari da compilare! Per chi ha voglia di conoscere questa diva intramontabile, per chi già la ama e per chi ancora non lo sa!
Felice 8 marzo Sir, I leave you with a quote from Audrey that I dedicate to you all ...
"Remember, if you need a hand, you'll find it at the end of your arm and as you become older, remember you have another hand: the first is to help yourself The second is to help others. "
Audrey Hepburn
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