relations between people are the basis of the functioning of any social network, created just for fave on the network and to overcome distance. Nobody would have thought, however, to use such tools for special purposes such as prostitution .
one research on prostitutes in New York showed that 89% have Facebook and that 25% regularly entices customers through this channel . Just five years ago, Facebook was not part of the prostitution market, which today seems to want to take advantage of the potential offered by social networks.
"But even before the crackdown on the site's adult-services section, sex workers Were turning to Facebook" ("After the failure of sites with services for adults only, the prostitutes have decided to adopt Facebook "), Venkatesh writes .
not only the prostitutes to have added social networking tools among their innovative work, the investigators also , mainly American , massively adopt these tools. In fact, there were many cases in which criminals have or otherwise speak of crime via Facebook or Twitter .
In short, social networks are part of our life to 360 degrees on the network and report all sizes, distorted and not real life.
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