Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Do Direct Deposits Come Sooner Than The Irs Says

Sanremo 2011: vincitori e sconfitti

The Sanremo Festival 2011 has won previous editions , nello specifico le ultime due. La vittoria è definibile grazie ai numeri forniti dall'audience, quasi la metà dei televisori italiani è stato sintonizzato su Rai 1 nel corso delle serate della manifestazione. Un risultato degno di nota neanche ottenuto da Bonolis o dalla Clerici.

Le canzoni sono state di qualità deludente, soprattutto sotto l'aspetto della varietà melodica. Infatti, le melodie delle canzoni erano tutte molto simili , eccetto qualche eccezione. Bisogna dare atto che i testi in concorso erano molto profondi e di significato rilevante, tutto ciò che veniva cantato e comunicato erano messaggi di tutto rispetto.

The winner, Vecchioni, was spot on. His song has a very significant and current text for the historical period in which we find ourselves. The tune was the classic mold, similar to many others in the competition, but overall he deserved to win. Call me Love is still a kind of summary of the participants in this festival, deep lyrics and melody of classical and quiet.

Here are the votes for the presenters, the very soul of Festival.

MORANDI, 7. Gianni was able to lead his group to present hard, knowing all confront and standing jokes of Luke and Paul. She was able to mediate and properly conduct a Festival in a position to make a record of significant plays.

Luke and Paul, 8. the soul of the Festival were able to give a gloss of the evenings that sometimes becomes boring and repetitive. Their actions are unpredictable allowed to keep the interest on the part of younger and middle-young, ensuring continuity in the ratings.

Bele RODRIGUEZ, 6 -. Very good to get in the game all the time, singing and dancing, although in some entr'actes with Canalis has fallen into the ridiculous. As presenter must still learn a lot, but they certainly knew how to surprise positively.

Elisabetta Canalis, 4.5. E 'was out of place for all nights of the festival was not up to the task that was assigned. When he danced like a girl at first Arima, whereas tissue from the three years is inconceivable. When she was asked to translate and to interview De Niro was not being ridiculed to the task. Rejected.

Overall the winner between the conductors is certainly Morandi was able to choose the right pieces to get a historical play for the Festival , li ha saputi gestire e ha tentato di ottenere il meglio da loro. Nonostante il ruolo da presentatore non sia proprio il suo mestiere ha saputo cavarsela in modo onorevole.


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